Sunday, 5 January 2014

Smoothie Sunday: Peanut Butter & Banana

Hello! And welcome back to another Smoothie Sunday! 

This 'Peanut Butter and Banana' Smoothie is the perfect snack for a Sunday afternoon. I usually make mine and spend the rest of the day lounging around with Mindy Kaling (in other words, I read 'Is Everyone Hanging Out With Me? and wait for the day that we become best friends). 

This is a delicious and easy recipe, with only three ingredients! 


1 Cup of Almond Milk
1 Banana
2tbsp of Peanut Butter

Simply place all ingredients together and blend. Easy!


I would also like to add that I have a number of posts lined up: a number of DIY projects, some yummy recipes, a serious post about body image and I am working with the creator of the comical Invaders series, who you should definitely be checking it!


  1. I've made this a few times but with chocolate almond milk and it's really yummy!! :D And I just saw the others and now I want to make them too!! :D

    1. Now, I really want to try with chocolate almond milk! :D
